Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stephanie Brail - Critic Of Ammachi

Stephanie Brail - Critic Of Ammachi

Stephanie Brail (a feminist, writer and widely self-proclaimed reiki master, healer and teacher of various New Age concepts & beliefs) wrote a rather amusing article about Mata Amritanandamayi entitled “Is Amma The Hugging Saint For Real?”

About Ammachi, Stephanie Brail said (select excerpts):
...Alas, my friend and I, who went to see Amma last night in Los Angeles, have decided that she is not the real deal. Worse, it appears that Amma is a psychic vampire, siphoning off the energy of her devoted followers...

...It was at this point I decided to check my friend's energy to see what was going on. Amma had apparently corded both of us, and was draining our life-force energy through these cords...

...What I got intuitively was that in order for Amma to elevate herself, she drains the energy of her followers. Drinking her "blessed" water is actually a curse, as it binds you energetically to her. Hugging her I'm sure does even more damage...

...It’s also important to note what it is that Amma is selling. Amma does not sell much of anything but Amma. (And she does sell - just because the hugs are free, it does not mean they aren't selling other things, such as food, books, Amma dolls, and even Amma's old car. Let's not forget the copious donations she collects.)...

...Amma, on the other hand, seems to be all about her. That’s your first clue she’s an energy vampire. Whether you believe in such things literally or figuratively, it’s kind of your cue to stay away. (Reference)

Stephanie Brail’s arguments against Amma were essentially those made by Bronte Baxter (an Illuminati conspiracist). Amusingly, Stephanie Brail posted a number of quotes from David Icke on her website. David Icke believes in a secret society called the “Illuminati”, which is allegedly comprised of pedophilic, blood-sucking, shape-shifting, reptilian aliens from the Draco Constellation who dwell among us as George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, Boxcar Willie, Hillary Clinton, Harold Wilson, Tony Blair and others. NOTE: Call it “concidence”, but Stephanie Brail disabled her “feel good quotes” page because she claimed someone hacked it (while apparently ignoring every other page on her domain)! Let us see if the David Icke quotes re-appear after she fixes the alleged “security hole”.

Before seeing Amma, Stephanie Brail read various critical articles about her on the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website, which accused the guru of being a psychic vampire. After arriving to see Amma during Devi Bhava (when large groups gather to have her darshan and get hugs), Stephanie Brail whined about the “confusing maze of people”, “sitting on uncomfortable chairs”, “worried that they would, indeed, be stuck there until 11am” and “stood in another long line for food”.

After eating some dinner, both Stephanie Brail and her male companion felt “energized”. After experiencing frustration about not finding something to drink, Brail and her friend drank a small container of water that was blessed by Amma and “not too long later” both of them felt tired, drained and spacey. Instead of rationally attributing these feeling to the disorientation of the large crowd, the frustration of standing and waiting in long lines and the typical tiredness that comes after eating a full meal, Stephanie Brail said she psychically perceived that Amma had “corded” both of them and was draining their life-force from them just as she had read on the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website!

Stephanie Brail took charge of the situation, sat down, relaxed, centered, did some deep breathing, invoked angelic protection and cleared the cords with her psychic powers and “immediately” both of them felt better! Usually when one feels “tired”, “drained” and “spacey”, sitting down, relaxing, centering, taking deep breaths and visualizing makes one feel better anyway.

Stephanie Brail also claimed that Amma “literally sucked a child’s hand fully into here mouth like a hungry cannibal”. Amma can often be seen kissing children’s hands but she never sticks their hands in her mouth! Maybe it appeared that way on the TV monitor that Brail and her male companion were viewing, but in reality, Amma never sticks babies’ hands in her mouth as falsely claimed by Stephanie Brail. There are literally hundreds of hours of filmed footage that can completely refute Stephanie Brail’s claim that Amma sucks babies’ hands into her mouth.

Stephanie Brail Sells Herself Big Time

Stephanie Brail believes that Amma is an “energy vampire” and a “psychic vampire” because Amma supposedly sells herself and there is a business around and about her. What is so grossly hypocritical and blatantly deceitful about Stephanie Brail’s criticism of Amma is that she (Stephanie Brail) sells herself big time and she (Stephanie Brail) is engrossed in several money-driven internet businesses focused on herself.

Stephanie Brail’s reiki “flushes” and “empowerments” are widely sold on eBay through various sellers emphasizing her name (Ref). Stephanie Brail is also affiliated with (Ref), which is run by Victor Glanckopf - a man who claims he has “received training and empowerments from many Lamas, Yogis, Light Workers, Healers, and Energy Masters of all conceivable lineages in the physical and in Meditation and Dream State” (including Santi Deva in Mahamudra and Liu Su in ancient tantric buddhism). Stephanie Brail’s reiki services are advertised and sold on numerous websites, including The University Of Reiki, The School Of Living Reiki Therapies, Spirit Light Reiki, Tree Of Life Reiki, Masters Healing Light Academy, etc. (among numerous other reiki websites). Stephanie Brail also believes that she is so powerful, anyone can “cord” healing energy from her simply by viewing her Reiki Picture.

Stephanie Brail’s reiki “flushes” and “empowerments” cost from between $9.99 to $100.00 each (Ref) and all of the following reiki “flushes” and “empowerments” are performed by Stephanie Brail through her personal website (Ref):

  • 2009 Intention Empowerment

  • 5th Dimensional Chakra Attunement

  • Above the Radar Reiki (Free PDF File)

  • Abundance Flush Empowerments (1 & 2)

  • Abundance Flush Empowerments (3 & 4)

  • Abundance Flush Empowerments (5 & 6)

  • Ascension Reiki

  • Attraction Reiki Level I - Belief

  • Attraction Reiki Level II - Intention

  • Attraction Reiki Level III - Attraction

  • Attraction Reiki Package - All Levels

  • Aura Flush Empowerment

  • Bear Reiki

  • Chakra Flush Empowerment

  • Cocoon Reiki Empowerment

  • Colours of Angels Reiki

  • DNA Healing Reiki (Free PDF File)

  • Deep Healing Reiki

  • Earth Energy Boost (Free PDF File)

  • Eclipse Energy Empowerment (Free PDF File)

  • Energy Builder Attunements

  • Etheric Cord Flush

  • Excalibur Reiki

  • Fairy Light RayKey

  • Fearless Reiki

  • Flame of Universal Love (Free PDF File)

  • Flower Essence Reiki

  • Giving Thanks Empowerment

  • Goddess Baubo Empowerment

  • Goddess Lilith Empowerment

  • Goddess Ostara Initiation

  • Guardian Angel Reiki

  • Golden Scroll Reiki for Manifesting

  • Golden Triangle Reiki

  • Good Sleep Empowerment

  • Happy Reiki

  • Hawaiian Trinity (Aloha, Kahuna, Uhane Nui)

  • Healing Flush Empowerments 1 & 2 (Physical)

  • Healing Flush Empowerments 3 & 4 (Emotional)

  • Healing Flush Empowerments 5 & 6 (Spiritual)

  • Inner Light Reiki

  • Inner Strength Reiki

  • Intuition Reiki

  • Isis Blue Moon Master Attunement

  • Ki Manna Reiki

  • Kuan Yin Attunements 1-7

  • Kuan Yin Blessings

  • Lakshmi Empowerment for Wealth & Success

  • Life Path Reiki Level I - Spiritual Alignment

  • Life Path Reiki Level II - Life Path Expression

  • Lightbringer Reiki

  • Light of Angels Reiki

  • Light of Forgiveness Reiki

  • Light of the Soul Reiki

  • Light of Truth Reiki

  • Lighten The Load Reiki (Free PDF File)

  • Lion Reiki

  • Love Flush Empowerments 1 & 2

  • Love Flush Empowerments 3 & 4

  • Make a Wish Blessing

  • Mental Flush Empowerments 1 & 2

  • Meridian Flush Empowerments 1 & 2

  • Meridian Flush Empowerments 3 & 4 (Past & Present)

  • Meridian Flush Empowerments 5 & 6 (Yin & Yang)

  • Meridian Flush Empowerments 7 & 8 (Insight & Inspiration)

  • Meridian Flush Empowerments 9 & 10 (Resistance & Flow)

  • Money Angel Reiki

  • Money Angel Reiki

  • Money Freedom Empowerment

  • Money Reiki for a New Reality

  • Money Reiki Level I

  • Money Reiki Level II

  • Money Reiki Level III

  • New Life Reiki

  • OM Empowerment Attunement

  • Om Namah Shivaya Empowerment

  • Open Heart Reiki

  • Protective Rose Camouflage Empowerment

  • Psychic Protection Flame (Free PDF File)

  • Pyramid Reiki

  • Reiki Level I - Distance Course

  • Reiki Level IV - Advanced Reiki Master

  • Sacred Earth Energy Reiki

  • Sacred Flames Reiki

  • Self Care Reiki

  • Self Love Reiki

  • So Purkh Empowerment

  • Soulmate Reiki

  • Stone Reiki

  • Tiger Reiki

  • Totem Reiki

  • Transparency Reiki

  • White Dove Reiki

  • Worthiness Reiki

  • Zodiac Reiki Package (all 12 zodiac signs)

These reiki “flushes” and “empowerments” are simply PDF files with affirmations, visualizations and instructions. Simply by focusing on Stephanie Brail, people are allegedly capable of drawing healing reiki energy from her (similar to the “cording” method used by alleged “energy vampires” or “psychic vampires”).

Furthermore, Stephanie Brail is the webmaster, registrant and/or owner for the following (current & former) domains, blogs and Yahoo Groups (so far known):

  • (Current Website: Self promoting. Looking for a literary agent to represent her. StephanieBrail on Twitter.)

  • (Current Website: Promoting and selling reiki services.)

  • (Current Website: Self promoting and selling reiki services.)

  • (Current Website: Promoting hypnosis. Informational. Sells hypnosis audios and mp3s from $55 - $75 and advertises numerous hypnosis downloads.)

  • (Current Website: Focuses on mantras & chanting. Sells alternative healing practices and sells custom audios for $150. Promotes Yogi Bhajan. Also a Pranamana MySpace)

  • (Current Website: Promoting and selling reiki & yoga services.)

  • (Current Website: Accepts donations and focuses on mantras, positive affirmations and creating intentions.)

  • (Current Website: Goal is revenue and networking.)

  • (Current Website: Self promoting, informational and selling alternative healing practices from $10 - $100. FeelGoodGirl on Twitter; FeelGoodGirl Libsyn)

  • (Current Website: Selling a whole line of reiki services by Stephanie Brail from $10 - $100. Accepts donations and allows people to advertise on her website for $100. ElementalReiki on Twitter)

  • (Current Website: Aim is to “transform greed, selfishness and materialism to an energy of giving, sharing and sustainability”, which includes giving and sharing your money to help sustain Stephanie Brail!)

  • (Current Website: Self promoting. Three months coaching for $360, 1 hour private coaching for $80 and ½ hour private coaching for $40.)

  • (Current Website: Charges $80 per phone session and $210 for three phone sessions for flower essence consultations and distance healings.)

  • (Current Website: Promoting EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - and sells alternative healing services: $80 for an hour and $40 for a half-hour.)

  • (Current Website: Promoting various types of coaching.)

  • (Current Website: For an online community of writers.)

  • (Current Website: But the domain name is currently being sold for $2,500 or best offer.)

  • (Current Website: Science fiction news and reviews for cool nerds.)

  • (Current Website: Articles on the green tech aka clean tech, such as alternative fuel, green computing, and e-cycling. GreenTechGirl on Twitter)

  • (Current Website: Orbs and ghosts and creepy things that go bump in the night. OrbsAndGhosts on Twitter)

  • (Current Website: Yoga blog - Namaste + Steph = Namasteph. Namasteph on Twitter)

  • ReikiFlow Yahoo Group (Current Yahoo Group: 39 posts in the last 100 months)

  • (Current Blog: Just three short posts: Deleted 7/11/09)

  • New Leadership for the SciFi Channel Petition (Current Petition: Created by Stephanie Brail.)

  • Comedy Central Petition (Current Petition: Protesting “Girls Gone Wild” commercials on the Comedy Central channel. Written by Stephanie Brail.)

  • SoulSurferSteph On MySpace

  • (Former Website: Solicited by Stephanie Brail on as her own domain)

  • (Former Website: Unsuccessful venture. Stephanie used the name “SpiderWoman”.)

  • (Former Website: Unsuccessful venture.)

  • (Former Website: Unsuccessful venture. Stephanie used the name “SpiderWoman”.)

  • (Former Website: Unsuccessful venture. Stephanie used the name “SpiderWoman”.)

  • (Former Website: Unsuccessful venture. Self-promoting. Solicited energy work and coaching with charges ranging from $150 - $750.)

  • (Former Group: Unsuccessful networking venture for the South Bay in California.)

  • (Former Yahoo Group: Unsuccessful newsletter venture.)

  • (Former Yahoo Group: Unsuccessful newsletter venture.)

Not only does Stephanie Brail widely sell herself and her services, she is what Anti-Cult Activists would call “brainwashed” and a “true believer” in spirits, angels, St Michael, psychic vampires, gods & goddesses, Yogi Bhajan, ghosts, Shiva, Lakshmi, kundalini, Ostara, Lilith, Baubo, Kuan Yin, Isis, auras, chakras, pyramids, angels, devas, animal totems, astrology, psychics, channelers, mantras, yoga, reiki, psychic healing, psychic protection, distance healing, fairies, telepathy, prana, Hinduism, Buddhism and other New Age concepts and beliefs.

As a matter of fact, a person using the pseudonym “corboy” on the Anti-Cult Rick Ross forum cited Stephanie Brail’s article against Ammachi yet added the following disclaimer:

(Note: the person who runs the feelgood site offers various other services. That I quote from an article posted on the site does NOT mean that I necessarily endorse or recommend such services.

Corboy’s standing advice in all such matters is to get assistance from a person who is trained and licensed to practice in their area of expertise. This may not guarantee competablity or even competance,but at least means the person has accepted legal accountablity for his or her work.)

Funny enough, “Corboy” (just like Stephanie Brail) is a big fan of the self-realized, psychedelic-drug-glorifying Kali devotee Guruphiliac Jody Radzik (who actually believes he is a sex slave to the goddess). It is peculiar how Anti-Cult Activists are quick to cite people like Stephanie Brail and Jody Radzik to support their Anti-Cult agendas yet are unwilling to personally endorse them because their spiritual beliefs and alleged paranormal abilities make them non-credible!

Stephanie Brail - In Conclusion

It doesn’t matter that Stephanie Brail gives free reiki “flushes” (which appear to be lures to get paid services). There is a business around Stephanie Brail where the focus is on her person, her face, her energy, her reiki, her name, her writings, her spiritual credentials and her beliefs. Since Stephanie Brail advertises, solicits and promotes herself as a notable public figure in the arena of reiki, life coaching, hypnosis and alternative healing therapies...public scrutiny is inevitable.

Millions of people have experienced what they believe to be genuine love, compassion and spiritual elevation from Amma. Although there always seem to be a handful of disgruntled ex-devotees hissing in the background, it is a fact that people claim they are elevated, energized, inspired and humbled in Amma’s presence. Yes, the crowds around Amma can be frustrating and disorienting (perhaps even “draining”), but none of her critics (even the Reiki Masters) can demonstrate Amma’s indefatigable energy, compassion and love for all those who come to see her and get a hug.

And yet, who is Stephanie Brail? She is practically unknown to the general public, unable to draw any crowd to herself despite her widely alleged healing abilities (which all come with a price tag). As a matter of fact, on Stephanie Brail’s testimonials page, only 7 people are listed (4 of which are anonymous). It would seem that Stephanie Brail’s attacks against Amma are rooted in jealousy since her aspirations to become a Guru (as evidenced by her pervasive internet solicitations) have thus far proven ineffective.

How better to draw internet traffic to one’s website than by trashing & bashing an internationally renowned humanitarian and well respected Saint from India, all the while harping about one’s psychic abilities with side-menu links that promote & promise all kinds of healings from a distance?

Since Stephanie Brail sells herself big time:
“That’s your first clue she’s an energy vampire. Whether you believe in such things literally or figuratively, it’s kind of your cue to stay away.”

You said it Stephanie.

“Cult Of The Hugging Saint”: Final Thoughts

The “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website is so desperate to smear Amma, they apparently need to reference Stephanie Brail, a widely self-proclaimed reiki master, healer and teacher of various New Age concepts & beliefs. As a matter of fact, the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website omitted any & all references to Stephanie Brail’s pervasive internet activity and claims to spiritual greatness. Why does the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website criticize Ammachi yet purposely withholds relevant information about her critics?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jovan Jones - Critic Of Ammachi

Jovan Jones

Jovan Jones - Critic Of Ammachi

Jovan Jones was a “psycho, moody and bizarre” (Jones’ words) devotee of Mata Amritanandamayi and lived and traveled with the Guru in India and abroad from 1995 - 1997. After becoming pregnant (while devoted to the Guru), Jovan Jones had a mental breakdown and turned her life over to Jesus Christ and decided to write a fictitious autobiography that is “about 90% true” about Ammachi entitled “Chasing The Avatar”. The reason why Jovan Jones considers her book to be “90% true” is because she claimed that God spoke to her and told her that her Amma journals “did not honor him”, so she burned them. Therefore, her accounts are related by memory, ten years after the fact and the reader does not know which 10% of her book is fictitious (i.e., untrue).

On, the following descriptions were given for Jovan Jones Anti-Amma book, “Chasing The Avatar”:
Product Description
Maya is a young woman with extraordinary prospects drowning in intense discontent. In the midst of this discontent, she meets Cha Ma, a guru. Immediately, she comes to believe that Cha Ma is an avatara human incarnationof the goddess Kali, the most malevolent, destructive of all Hindu deities. Spellbound, Maya runs off to India to live in Cha Mas ashram as a Hindu. Her choice hurls her parents, Paul and Marie, into a battle far beyond their wildest imagination for they must fight for their daughters life, and even her soul, as she teeters on the edge.

About the Author
From 1995 to 1997, Jovan Jones lived in a South Indian ashram and traveled around with a Hindu guru. She earned her MA in Political Science from Harvard in 1998. Soon thereafter, she moved to North Carolina in order to be near her parents, Ryven and Brenda, and to raise her son, Isaiah. She taught Social Studies and Language Arts in Cumberland Countys public schools, where she was chosen to be the countys Teacher of the Year and NCs Southeast Regional Teacher of the Year Runner-Up. Presently, she serves as the Mentor Facilitator in the large public school system, working with mentors and beginning teachers to increase teacher retention and efficacy.

In Jovan Jones’ book, “Chasing The Avatar”, she used the name “Maya” to describe herself and used the name “Cha Ma” to describe Amma.

Jovan Jones’ Christian Agenda Against Amma

It was quickly discovered that Jovan Jones is an Evangelical Christian with a religious agenda and a religious sales pitch against Amma the “Hugging Saint”. For example, on Jovan Jones’ website, she openly solicits her church, Covenant Love Family Church with Pastor Al And Tava Brice. What exactly does the Covenant Love Family Church believe? Let us take a look at their statement of faith:
Covenant Love Family Church - Statement Of Faith:

We believe the entire Bible is the infallible Word of God. The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error and the authority by which we base our faith, doctrine, and conduct.
-(2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21, I Corinthians 2:13)

We believe there is one God, existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
-(Matthew 28:19, Colossians 2:9)

We believe man is created in the image of God and was created good and upright, but by voluntary disobedience, was separated from God.
-(Genesis 1:26-31; 3:1-7, Romans 5:12-18; 6:23)

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. As a result of man’s disobedience and sin, Jesus came to this earth as Savior of the world.
-(Luke 1:26-35, John 1:18; 3:16, Isaiah 9:6)

We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross has provided salvation, or deliverance from everlasting death, to those who choose to accept Him as Lord and Savior. By admitting that we have sinned and accepting Jesus as Lord, we can have a personal relationship with God now and spend eternity with God in Heaven. Salvation is not a result of what we do, but is a free gift from God through faith.
-(Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:11; 10:8-13, 1 John 5:10-13, Hebrews 9:15)

We believe water baptism, as taught and demonstrated by Jesus, is symbolic of the cleansing power of the blood of Christ and a testimony to our faith in Jesus.
-(Matthew 28:19, Romans 6:3-4, Colossians 2:11-12)

We believe the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues is a gift from God. The Holy Spirit empowers the believer to develop the character of Christ and live every day in God’s will.
-(John14:26-27; 16:8, Acts 2:1-4; 2:38; 8:14; 10:44-46, Romans 8:26-27)

We believe in the regular taking of Communion as an act of remembering the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
-(1 Corinthians11:23-32)

We believe every believer should grow in their relationship with God through obedience to God’s Word, following the example of Jesus, and an active prayer life.
-(Ephesians 5:8, 2 Corinthians 6:14; 7:1)

We believe that divine physical, emotional, and mental healing and restoration is active today through the power of Jesus, our Healer.
-(Acts 4:30; Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 12:9; James 5:14; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24; Mark 16:17-20)

We believe Jesus will return and take all who have accepted Him as Lord and Savior to Heaven for eternity. We believe in the existence and personality of Satan. The Bible describes Hell as a real place of suffering and permanent separation from God for unbelievers. God sent Jesus to redeem us so that no one would have to endure this punishment.
-(Job 1:7, 2 Corinthians 11:14, Ephesians 4:27, James 4:7, Mark 9:43-58; 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Revelation 20:10-15, John 3:18)

Jovan Jones’ book “Chasing The Avatar” was published by Destiny Image Publishers, Inc, whose motto is: “Speaking to the Purposes of God for This Generation and for the Generations to Come”. Jovan Jones dedicated her book to her “Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ” whom she called her “Knight in Shining Armor”. The forward to the book was written by Dr. James A Brice Jr, the senior pastor at the Covenant Love Family Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina. In the first chapter of “Chasing The Avatar”, Jovan Jones said she wrote her Anti-Amma book for Jesus Christ, gave various assurances that Jesus Christ was watching over us and hoped that her God-Inspired book would set others on the road to freedom through Jesus Christ (PDF Ref - First Chapter To “Chasing The Avatar”).

What exactly did Jovan Jones hope her readers would get out of “Chasing The Avatar”?
Jovan Jones: “The way I know Him is marvelous and crazy! Wild and passionate! Intense and utterly male! He’s not always soft and sweet with me. The Christ I know isn’t the ‘beatific, harmless guy holding a little lamb.’ No, my Christ is altogether different. I pray that everyone who reads this book gets a revelation of Him in all His greatness, even if it’s just an inkling! Not the namby-pamby Jesus that we often want to make him out to be; but the dedicated, focused, assured and powerful God of the Universe who can reach into anyone’s world, anywhere at any time and snatch them out of their chaos and madness, their sin and despair. That is what He is to me.” (Reference)

Although Jovan Jones has a religious agenda against Amma, Amma does not have any type of agenda against Christians or Christianity. Amma has numerous devotees who are Christians who feel they have become better Christians by following her example of unconditional love, selfless service and constant remembrance of God through devotional singing, prayer and spiritual disciplines. Amma has said “My Religion is Love” and she does not discriminate against anyone because of his/her religious beliefs.

Jovan Jones - Coming To & Leaving Amma

While working for her doctorate at Harvard, Jovan Jones said she suffered a spiritual crisis and was “insanely discontented and a crazy risk-taker to boot”. As a result, she began experimenting with different religions by first exploring African religions and their off-shoots (Santeria, Voodoo, Candomble, Obeah, etc.). Jovan Jones gave up on these tribal religions because she “never really wanted to worship anything that was moodier and meaner” than herself [1]. Jovan Jones then claimed she had a vision of a blue sphere of light that exploded and suffused her in a “tremendous warmth and peace”. As a result of this experience, Jovan Jones began looking into Hinduism and Buddhism and then began looking for a Guru, which eventually led to Mata Amritanandamayi [2].

Ammachi never instructed or implied that Jovan Jones should give up her life and follow her. Rather, Jovan Jones said she was “so greedy for spiritual experiences” that in two days time she “absolutely HAD to go to India” and that is when she left everything behind and traveled to India to be with Amma. Admittedly, Jovan Jones claimed that as she became more involved with ashram life, the “crazier and more unstable” she became. Jovan Jones claimed that while she was at the ashram, she was “psycho”, suicidal on almost a daily basis and that her moods “swung around pendulously from soaring mountaintop happiness to abject despondency and despair” [1]. Jovan Jones said that she loved all the people at the ashram because they were just as “psycho and bizarre and on the edge” as herself. Jovan Jones said “The guru had gathered a group of crazies around her, no doubt.” Of course, one those “crazies” was herself! For reasons yet undisclosed (you have to wait for her second book) Jovan Jones was forced to leave India and return to the USA [1].

At no time was Jovan Jones held against her will, intimidated or threatened for leaving Amma. Jovan Jones left Amma as freely and as easily as she joined Amma.

As late as July 1998, Jovan Jones was a devotee of Amma. Jovan Jones and her parents were even interviewed by the Washington Post:
By DeNeen L. Brown
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, July 5, 1998; Page B03

As more people heard about her, her following grew. Jovan Jones, 28, of Boston, sat in line with her mother and father, Brenda and Ryven Jones, and friend Al Busbee. Jovan Jones said she met Amma four years ago in Boston.

“A friend of mine told me that I should go see a saint who gives great hugs,” she recalled. “I thought I would go for a couple of minutes, get my hug and go.” “I entered her presence, and for the first time in my life, whatever I was feeling inside . . . this was the answer,” said Jones, who left a graduate program at Harvard and moved to India for two years to volunteer with Amma.

Jones’ parents said they wanted to experience what had changed their daughter’s life. “I’m trying to find out what she has that draws so many people here,” said Ryven Jones, a military retiree. “I feel real sad,” said Brenda Jones, gazing at the crowd before Amma. “I look around here, and I see a lot of hurt and a lot of pain. I’m sad that people have to wait years for someone to give them a loving touch. Because it is right here in our hearts.”

Since Jovan Jones got her MA in Political Science from Harvard in 1998 (and was still devoted to Amma in July 1998), she apparently did not “give everything up” for the Guru as she claimed on YouTube and elsewhere.

Anti-Amma Critic’s Embarrassing Conundrum

What would author & Christian Jovan Jones think of Michelle Walsh (a self-professed psychic, witch, spell caster, clairvoyant, seller of haunted objects, devotee of Mother Kali and webmaster for the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” domain), Bronte Baxter (a person who believes that Jesus is a psychic vampire and an astral entity from the fourth dimension who sucks our energies, an Illuminati conspiracist and a believer in shape-shifting reptilian aliens from the Draco constellation) and Jody Radzik (a self-professed realized master, a fanatic devotee & “sex slave” of Mother Kali and a promoter and endorser of illegal psychedelic drugs)?

  • Jovan Jones’ Christian beliefs invalidates those of Bronte Baxter, Michelle Walsh and Jody Radzik.

  • Michelle Walsh’s Wiccan beliefs invalidates those of Jovan Jones and Bronte Baxter.

  • Bronte Baxter’s Illuminati beliefs invalidates those of Michelle Walsh, Jody Radzik and Jovan Jones.

  • Jody Radzik’s Advaitic & Pseudo-Rationalistic beliefs invalidates those of Jovan Jones, Michelle Walsh and Bronte Baxter.

What more can one do but laugh out loud at this cadre of fools who are attempting to criticize Ammachi? These critics (who are all cited on the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” domain) all cite each other as credible voices against Ammachi even though their personal beliefs undermine each other’s arguments against the guru!

As a matter of fact, Guruphiliac Jody Radzik was quick to pick up on Jovan Jones’ religious views and said about her:
Jody Radzik: “The fact that she ‘turned’ gives her an ideological motivation to bash Ammachi. Jesus is the only way, ya know. ;)

Her various achievements could just as easily be the result of neurosis as it is excellence.

But please fill us in if you read the book.” (Reference)

“Cult Of The Hugging Saint”: Final Thoughts

The “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website is so desperate to smear Amma, they apparently need to reference Jovan Jones, an Evangelical Christian with a religious agenda against Hinduism and Gurus. As a matter of fact, the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website omitted any & all references to Jovan Jones’ religious views and associations. Why does the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website criticize Ammachi yet purposely withholds relevant information about her critics?

Relevant Links About Jovan Jones:
- Jovan Jones Official Website
- Jovan Jones On Twitter
- Jovan Jones On Facebook
- Jovan Jones On YouTube

Saturday, June 27, 2009

COTHSEE On The Attack

COTHSEE On The Attack

A person using the name “COTHSEE” (who appears to be Michelle Walsh in disguise) is widely attacking this blog through various venues on the internet.

The following article was published on
Followers Of Amma “The Hugging Saint” Launch Website To Attack Critics And Ex-Devotees
By COTHSEE United States of America

June 26, 2009 Those connected to the religious group which follows Amma, also known as "the hugging saint", recently launched a website attacking her critics and ex-devotees.


( June 26, 2009 -- The new website compiles information on the businesses, websites, and personal lives of critics and ex-devotees. The information has been painstakingly collected from the Internet and compiled on the website in an attempt to harass and intimidate those who may choose to leave the group or voice a contrary opinion.

The website, ironically called “Cult Of The Hugging Exposed” appears to be run by representatives or devotees of the hugging saint, also known as Amma or Mata Amritanandamayi. The site is made up of character assassinations on those who have been critical of Ammachi as well as those who have left the group. Countless hours have gone into information gathering in order to attack the character of those who have been outspoken critics of Amma or her organization. The website includes poetry written by ex-devotees, articles written by critics, links to their businesses, and annotated lists of irrelevant personal information intended purely to harass critics and ex-devotees of the hugging saint.

“It’s chilling.” said an ex-devotee who is one of the websites targets, “I left the group many years ago and now they are posting photos of me when I was young and defunct websites that I ran over ten years ago as well as poetry I wrote when I was part of the group. I have been a victim of Internet stalking recently, and I feel like I am living it all over again. The amount of time this group has put into compiling information on me is very frightening. This website illustrates why so many are afraid to leave, because this is what will happen to them.”


For more information:
P.O. Box 74650

The “ex-devotee” who complained about being “stalked” is Michelle Walsh. Michelle Walsh lied when she claimed that her defunct psychic websites were run “over ten years ago”. In fact, Michelle’s Psychic Perceptions website was online until June 2003 and she was soliciting her Psychic Forecast website on on May 30th 2005 and as late as August 5th 2006. Michelle Walsh was also praising Amma until March 24th 2007 and April 3rd 2007. This is 2-3 years ago, not “over ten years ago” or “many years ago” as falsely claimed by Michelle Walsh (click on picture to enlarge):

Some interesting facts:

Is it a coincidence that at the very same internet sites where Michelle Walsh was widely solicited as “Kalliope Amorphous” happen to be the very same internet sites where COTHSEE is attacking this blog?

Isn’t it strange how critics constantly rant and rave about their “freedom of speech” when it comes to their former gurus yet whine and moan when others exercise their “freedom of speech” about critics?

This article will be updated according to new developments.

Update: June 27th 2009:
Due to the extensive nature of COTHSEE’s attacks against Joe Moreno (who was not the original creator of this blog), Moreno has decided to archive this blog on his domain to defend himself from COTHSEE’s attacks.

Update: June 29th 2009:
It has come to our attention that some of the content from this blog is being duplicated on various websites against “Meena’s Magickals” and “MandrakeGhost”. The authors of this blog are in no way associated with those attacks and have not given permission to anyone to duplicate material from this blog against “Meena’s Magickals” and “MandrakeGhost”.

Update: July 7th 2009:
New blog about “COTHSEE”: MandrakeGhost / Michelle Walsh Exposed

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michelle Walsh Ref: Psychic Medium

Michelle Walsh Ref: Psychic Medium

This article about Michelle Walsh aka “Ananthasree” (an ex-devotee of Amma and webmaster for the former “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website) will be used as a reference in a larger article being written about her.

Michelle Walsh widely solicited herself on hundreds of websites, forums and ads on the internet as a renowned psychic, ethical psychic, trance medium, animal communicator, clairvoyant, clairaudient, tarot card reader, spirit channeler, etc. As a matter of fact, Michelle Walsh considered herself such a notable, reputable and renowned psychic, she claimed she was dubbed the “Block Island Psychic”, moved to New York to broaden her clientele and that she helped locate missing children at Project Find - A Chance Connection. Michelle Walsh also purchased two psychic domains and advertised her psychic services on three free web-hosting sites:

  1. (expired and unavailable)

  2. (expired and unavailable)

  3. (expired and unavailable)

  4. (taken over by the hosting company)

  5. (operational but all pictures deleted)

Since Michelle Walsh forfeited and allowed her “” and “” domains to expire (and has not renewed the domains or duplicated their content to any other website), the issue of infringement is moot since: 1) The screencaptures are of former webpages; 2) Are being provided for referencing purposes only and verification of psychic claims; 3) Are being published on a non-profit blog; 4) Are properly attributed; 5) Are screencaptures without duplication of text; 6) Are not derivatives; and 7) Are unaltered (click image to enlarge).

A small sampling from hundreds of results obtained for Michelle Walsh’s extensive and widely self-solicited psychic claims on the internet (click image to enlarge).

Even as a devotee of Amma, Michelle Walsh was soliciting her alleged psychic abilities to other spiritualists on the domain:
Namah Shivayah,

I agree that a healthy dose of caution is important. Through Amma’s grace, I have been giving readings as my full time career since I was 16 years old. I was born clairaudient and clairvoyant, and this runs back three generations on my Mother's side of the family. Honestly, it is a blessing and a curse. I am thankful that I have been able to help people through my ability,and make a living doing it, but it is also not easy is very taxing emotionally and often physically. Often I will read for 6 months and then take 6 months off (as I am sort of doing now!)

I have done countless lectures on the nature of psychic fraud, because I can’t tell you the number of clients I have who have such horror stories about getting taken for a ride by “psychics”. I talk about some of this on my website at I consider myself an ethical psychic, so this is an issue that I am passionate about. Sweta mentioned I do a lot of work in aiding in the search for missing children and animals. This is true, and I think it is important, if we have this gift, to use it for the greater good..

I would always suggest looking within before seeking external help in the form of a psychic. When giving a reading, many times I find that the information I give my clients simply validates what they already knew or where thinking. Also, we can always go straight to the source of EVERYTHING....the master psychic...our beloved Amma!


Ananthasree (Post On

Therefore, it can clearly be evidenced that Michelle Walsh presented herself as (and claimed to be) a notable, reputable and renowned public figure in the psychic arena. As such, Michelle Walsh’s public status as a famous psychic is worthy of research and criticism.

- Michelle Walsh - Critic Of Ammachi
- Michelle Walsh Ref: Past Praise Of Amma
- MandrakeGhost / Michelle Walsh Exposed

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Michelle Walsh Ref: Past Praise Of Amma

Michelle Walsh Ref: Past Praise Of Amma

This article about Michelle Walsh aka “Ananthasree” (an ex-devotee of Amma and webmaster for the former “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website) will be used as a reference in a larger article being written about her.

Although the exact cause of Michelle Walsh’s defection from Mata Amritanandamayi is unknown, what is known is that she was an ardent, vocal and passionate devotee of Amma until mid 2007.

As a matter of fact, in a former Live Journal post entitled, “Getting a bastards name off your neck and other stories”, Michelle Walsh said:
“In fabu-fabu-fabulous news, I finally got the exes name off of my neck and replaced it with a name that will always mean something to me...‘Ammachi’, my spiritual teacher. I was very impressed with the cover-up job my artist pulled off. In fact, I like it better than the original tattoo because it is much more aesthetically pleasing and I really like the lettering in the name. What do you think? It matches much better with my sleeve tattoo, and my new partner is overjoyed not to have to look at that freaks name anymore.”

Michelle Walsh’s (aka “Ananthasree”) other praises of Amma on the internet (all referenced links were available and working at the time of publication):
Om Namah Shivayah,

Just wanted to share my joy over finding a scent that smells EXACTLY like Amma’s darshan. I had tried the “amma’s rose” oil and all of the others sold through the bookstore, and while I love them...they never matched that intoxicating scent that we associate with Mother. In fact, I doubted anything existed that could possibly be a match to it.

I have found an oil that is at least a 80% match to of all places...a new dollar store that just opened up down the street from me. They have a rack of assorted aroma oils (for use on aroma rings or burners) and the scent is by Natura Aromatique and is called “China Rain”. They also make incense sticks in the same fragrance. Needless to say, I stocked up

We had stopped in the store to pick up plastic bags and it turned into a scene of “I can’t believe this, this is amazing, how can this be?” It really is that close of a match. I was catapulted right back into Mothers arms as soon as I took the cap off. For only a dollar! It is just has a little bit of a sweeter note than what Amma wears, but it is amazingly close enough to flash you right back to the darshan hall.

The companies website is but it seems like most of the pages are out of service.

How about this? The first three people to email me your address. I will send a bottle to you and some incense sticks!

Jai Ma!

Ananthasree (Post On

Namah Shivayah,

I agree that a healthy dose of caution is important. Through Amma’s grace, I have been giving readings as my full time career since I was 16 years old. I was born clairaudient and clairvoyant, and this runs back three generations on my Mother’s side of the family. Honestly, it is a blessing and a curse. I am thankful that I have been able to help people through my ability,and make a living doing it, but it is also not easy is very taxing emotionally and often physically. Often I will read for 6 months and then take 6 months off (as I am sort of doing now!)

I have done countless lectures on the nature of psychic fraud, because I can’t tell you the number of clients I have who have such horror stories about getting taken for a ride by “psychics”. I talk about some of this on my website at I consider myself an ethical psychic, so this is an issue that I am passionate about. Sweta mentioned I do a lot of work in aiding in the search for missing children and animals. This is true, and I think it is important, if we have this gift, to use it for the greater good..

I would always suggest looking within before seeking external help in the form of a psychic. When giving a reading, many times I find that the information I give my clients simply validates what they already knew or where thinking. Also, we can always go straight to the source of EVERYTHING....the master psychic...our beloved Amma!


Ananthasree (Post On

Amma In Amritapuri?
topic posted Tue, April 3, 2007 - 9:20 AM

Does anyone know when our Beloved will be back in Amritapuri?

Jai Ma!!

~ananthasree (Post On Ammachi Tribe)

Re: Amma’s next visitWed, August 2, 2006 - 7:04 AM

Namah Shivayah,

How long does Amma usually stay in San Ramon in November?

Jai Kali Ma!

Ananthasree (Pots On Ammachi Tribe)

Re: Amma dream i had,..Fri, June 23, 2006 - 6:12 AM

You said it all.....that’s how she works, our Ma!

Jai Kali!

Ananthasree (Pots On Ammachi Tribe)

ID: 90631

Title: -

Description: A spiritual diary and online devotional altar by an Ammachi devotee. Ammachi is known worldwide as “The Hugging Saint”.

Category: Religious & Spiritual Blogs/

Link Owner: Ananthasree

Date Added: August 08, 2006 06:26:01 PM

Number Hits: 25 (Submission To Find Blogs)

Gorgeous Visual Poem Of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, 20 August 2006
Author: ananthasree from United States

As a disciple of Ammachi, I will begin by mentioning that this film does not contain a lot of information about Amma that would be helpful to someone who had no idea who she was prior to seeing this film. It could have done with a little more information about her countless charitable works (including schools, hospitals, homes for the poor and the list goes on and on) and perhaps a bit more biographical information and mention of the countless miracles and healings that have been attributed to her. Also, a little more explanation of what "darshan" actually is would have been helpful to those for whom this movie would be their first introduction to Amma.

Aside from this, I have found that Jan Kounen did an incredible job with capturing the essence of who Amma really is. The interesting camera angles and close-ups of Amma’s facial expressions, truly captured the divine presence that one can feel while in her physical presence. I also really enjoyed that there was quite a bit of filming of Amma done in slow- motion. It was particularly incredible to witness her darshans at a slowed down speed...the nuances and intricacies of each 5 second hug, speak volumes when rendered in slow- motion.

There is quite a bit of poetic metaphor throughout the film as well, as can be seen in Kounen’s choice of contrasting images of life, death, chaos, peace, human and God. Truly, the visuals are some of the most beautiful I have seen since Baraka.

All in all this film is a heart melting work of art for devotees of Amma, and a sweeping visual portrait-poem of one of the most amazing spiritual figures on the planet at this time. I don’t think any film could truly convey who Amma is. It is something that must be experienced to be understood.

That said, stop in and get darshan for yourself the next time Amma is in your city. Then, watch the film again :) (Comment On IMDB)

The Mystery Orange

Om Namah Shivayah

At the retreat in mid-July, I purchased two oranges that were Amma’s prasad. I decided to take them home rather than eat them, and I put them on my altar. After about two weeks, one of the oranges became rotten and I had to throw it away.

Almost 4 moths later, I still have the other orange on my altar, and it is in perfect condition. It looks like it was just picked, and it still has a fresh orange smell. When it was in pristine condition after a few months, I thought it was strange....but now after looking at it again this morning, I am stumped. A friend pointed out how weird this is when he said, “Is that the same orange from July?” and looked at me in disbelief when I told him yes.

I am thinking of taking it to Michigan and having Amma bless it again.

Am I the only one who thinks this is strange?

Ever Amazed,

Ananthasree (Post On

Thank you, Amma, for helping me through this. Thank you for all of the messages and insights.

Thank you for all that you do for our earth.
I am practicing what I am learning from you as much as I can.

I am in awe of your beauty and am eternally grateful.

I love you.

(From a former Live Journal account)

My dreams bear fruit that I can taste in the morning...

It happened! I am going to see my guru in New York City this weekend. Ammachi, incarnation of the goddess and living saint has left India and is doing her yearly tour throughout America and the rest of the world. I prayed for this and begged that if I was meant to recieve darshan, I would find a way to get there. The universe pulled through and I leave tomorrow night. In a little over 24 hours, I will be standing in line waiting to recieve a hug from Amma. (This is her darshan...a compassionate hug, as she is known worldwide as the "hugging saint"). The greatest blessing that one can get...and I need only travel 3 hours on a bus! Sunday morning is the time!

I have been blessed already, this I know. So much divinity has come into my life ever since I had the material world (or illusion thereof) taken away. I have had acts of synhronicity the likes of which I have never known happen on a daily basis. LITERALLY....walking through a bookstore and having the book, "Messages From Amma" fall and land at my feet. The dreams....the dreams I have at night are more solid than this illusory, ego-driven world we call "awake".

I have found love. I have had nights of such pure beauty they seem pulled from a Fellini film. All of this, after facing death...after almost dying. A few nights ago, I cried at beauty....such beauty from a fire that the tears just came bursting through in a joyous wave. The last time I cried in awe over witnessing pure beauty was years and years ago.

So I am off to see Amma tomorrow night. I am nervous, but yet my heart is bursting with joy. I wonder if she will say anything to me, although to be in her arms for a brief moment will certainly be enough.

It has been a long journey from myself and back again. I had to know true greed, selfishness and ego in order to get to this point. In this sense, I say thank you to my ex....because she has become a living archetype of everything I do not want to be. And such joy! Such joy through all of this pain!

So much has happened....all wonderful. Career and a new love too! This is what love feels like! I haven’t had time to update because I have been very busy. One day soon, I will sit down and describe all that has happened.

(From a former Live Journal account)

Dreaming of Amma
09-29-2004, 10:22 AM

Last night I had the most intense dreams of Amma. In fact, they were so real that I had to collect myself for a moment after waking up. In one dream, I was in a large darshan hall and for some reason I was taking polaroid photos of Mother hugging everyone. When each photo came out developed, she was looking directly at the camera, although while taking them she was not. I thought it was strange and when I went up for darshan, my darshan lasted for what seemed like a half hour. I am immediately woke up from this dream and fell back asleep, where I continued to have another dream.

In the second dream, I was asking Mother all sorts of questions like why has such and such happened to me? What is my purpose in life? etc. etc. She told me that I had massive amounts of karma, but that she would help me with it. Just then, she put her mouth to mine as if she were going to kiss me and just held her mouth open inhaling for what must have been 10 minutes. Never exhaling until she moved away. I woke up with a jolt from this dream and sat straight up in bed. I was stunned, because the dream seemed so real. I fell back asleep and had yet another dream...

I was back in the darshan hall and my mother called me on my cellphone (in real life, my mother passed away over a year ago). I told her to please drive down to such and such a place to recieve Mother’s darshan. She had no idea who Mother was, but came anyway because I convinced her. I stood behind my mother in the darshan line wondering if Amma would know that the next person she would hug was my mother. “There is no way she will know” I thought. When my mother reached Amma’s arms, she turned into a little girl of maybe seven years old. Amma handed her a paintbrush and some ink and told her she could write on her sari. There was my mother, as a little girl and Amma was playing and laughing and being silly with her. As I watched this, I wondered still if Amma knew that the little girl was my mother. Amma then pointed at me, laughing and said “Your daughter” “Your daughter.” to my mother. I again woke up immediately that I heard Amma’s voice in my bedroom saying “Your daughter.” when I woke up.

What could be the significance of this. Are such lucid, realistic dreams of Amma so common? It has never happened to me before.I read somewhere once that one cannot dream of Mother without her willing it. Has she ever addressed this specifically?

In Amma,

Michelle (Post On

My ceremony tomorrow

Tomorrow my partner and I will be having a committment ceremony on the beach (praying for the rain to hold off). We had Mothers blessing last year, and while she cannot be with us physically, we will consider her to be there in spirit. Because of this, we have chosen not to have anyone officiate the ceremony but the ocean. We will also be chanting the world peace mantra and hope you will send positive thoughts in our direction tomorrow at dusk.

In Amma,

Michelle (Post On

East Coast Retreat?

Has anyone managed to find out further information on if Mother will be coming to Rhode Island? Any ideas as to when the East Coast retreat specifics might be released? I’m sad to hear that the Bryant College campus is unavailable and am looking forward to putting in my time off request at work as soon as possible!

In Amma,

Michelle (Post On

Ananthasree, the maker of this video for Amma, wrote the following description:

An offering at the feet of my guru. This montage is symbolic of the intricacies of the guru-shishya relationship. It primarily represents devotion, and the desperate longing to merge with the Beloved, or God.

The song is Hallelujah, composed by Leonard Cohen and performed by Jeff Buckley. The lyrics have a depth that can be explored again and again, and deep religious and philosophical undertones, which moved me more than words can say.

This is my visual poem to my guru. I put it out into the world in the event that it is another persons poem as well. If it is, enjoy.

Hallelujah stems from the word halal, plus the particle u, meaning ‘and’ or ‘with’, and jah, which is short for Yahweh, the Name of God. Halal means ‘to shine,’ and is most often ascribed to stars.

Hallelujah means: shine with God! (dead link)
(Posted On And Hidden As White Text)

Ananthasree said...

OMG this is so beautiful and haunting! I closed my eyes and went somewhere else...saw so many flashes of Her face.

Toward the end of the song I noticed something interesting. There is a point where you overlap "MA" on the end of the “Jai Sree Ma”. It sounds like Amma’s voice. Is it or is it your voice??? If it is yours, then that is pretty wild.

Though....really, your voice IS Amma’s voice! ;) (Comment On The Durga’s Daughter Blog)

ananthasree says:

March 24, 2007 at 3:00 am
Sending you lots of love and keeping you close in my prayers to Amma.

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. (Posted On A Tale Of Grace Blog)

Ananthasree said...

So true.

How lucky we all are to live at the same time Mother has graced this planet with a human birth! The gratitude is endless...

Happy Birthday Ma! Thank you for taking birth for the sake of your children.

~Ananthasree (Comment On Ashram Diary Blog)

Mother knows all!! Omniscience (the proof is in the putting) :)

I just had a most amazing experience.

Both I and my partner were granted names from Mother at the retreat a few weeks ago. While mine had an obvious translation, we could not figure out for the life of us what her name meant. We were told it was a star in Vedic astrology...but what star?...and what did it mean? Long Internet searches abounded and still we had no idea what the significance of the name was.

A few hours ago I got her Jyotish chart. I said to myself, “I just KNOW that when this report pops up on the screen, the name will be there.” It was. And while I had thought it prior, it nearly knocked me off my chair when it actually did.

Mother had named her after her birth star! I challenge anyone to come up with a logical reason as to how Mother knew the exact date, time and location of her birth so well as to name her after her birth star! If that does not show Mother is keenly aware of all that is happpening/happened/will happen to each one of here children, then I don’t know what is.

I never cease to be amazed each time one of these completely mind-numbing acts of synchronicity occur (and so, so many of them)...and I wonder, why are there not scientests, doctors, relgious leaders, and news stations across the globe shouting about this amazing avatar who just happens to be gracing our planet at the moment?

Again, I sit....mouth agape in wonder, trying to process yet another wonderous act of Amma in my limited third-dimensional mind.

How incredibly lucky we all are!

Jai Ma!!!!!!!!!!!

Ananthasree (Post On

Namah Shivayah,

I have Kali statues, photos and items that Amma's Kali murti in the ashram wore all throughout my Amma shrine. Amma and Kali are the same entity.

Hrim Kali Mahakali Mata Amritanandamayi

Jai Jai Kali Ma!

Ananthasree (Posted On Ammachi Yahoo Group)


I am losing myself to you slowly
As the river wears the land away,
Drawing its soil into it's eternal waters
We are like that, Amma.

Every time you breathe,
There is less of me,
And I am swept away in you
sometimes, when a storm comes
You take more of me,
But then there is more of me with you,
And we weave through the land cutting
Cavernous valleys with our Love.

This is simply what the river does.
In time, there will be only THAT
Flooding the earth with oneness.
Mother, when I cry for you
I cry into you and
Your river rises, wearing me
Away and into you.

Oh god mother, Mother God
I run my hands
Through my hair and it is yours
Once, someone took a photo
Of me and I was you.
Sometimes I feel bound to
Myself by your muscle
Sometimes I blink into my reflection
And you are looking out at me.

The night moves over me
I am trapped in the stillness
You are rising from me like steam
In tiny wisps, fast as dust
There is heat in the head
You are restless within me
I rearrange organs and veins
In search of you
You fall asleep in the belly
Of all I have ever been
And rise up when I sleep
To dance with me in dream.

Mother, there is a thundering in you
Do they know this?
You are, 100 feet tall wearing
Universes as adornments,
Creating gravity by your very being
Mother, you are as wild as ecstasy
Unleashed into the sun, spinning
And spinning with the bliss
Of your own creation.
You salivate when the drums come
And you dance wildly, crushing
Under your feet. The fleshy vessels
Of all that is not true.
You are naked and covered in stars
Beckoning Jupiter and Venus to
Join you for tea and a smile.
My Mother, you are the hips
From which all life springs from.
Amma, you cannot fool me.
Sometimes when you smile,
I know it is because you have
Just administered blessings to a dying star
Light years away from the darshan line.

~Ananthasree (Posted On Ammachi Yahoo Group)

- Michelle Walsh - Critic Of Ammachi
- Michelle Walsh Ref: Psychic Medium
- MandrakeGhost / Michelle Walsh Exposed

Saturday, June 20, 2009

CultOfTheHuggingSaint Website Deleted

“CultOfTheHuggingSaint” Website Deleted

Just 4 days after the creation of this blog exposing the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website, it was deleted in its entirety from Wordpress.

However, this will not detract us from providing readers with additional information about the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website (as we have yet to discuss Michelle Walsh, the registrant and webmaster for the website). There is very little doubt that someone else will start where Michelle Walsh left off, possibly under the guise of stronger anonymity.

The former “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website posted the following blurb on their blog:
“This new blog has been created in an effort to defeat the efforts of those who would try to thwart this information from being seen on the Internet. We believe it is of the utmost importance that alternative views on this destructive cult be shared with those who may be searching for it. Though the Ammachi organization has tight control over the media, and does everything in their power to destroy questioning and exposure of the cult, we are fortunate to have the medium of the Internet through which to share information. These efforts to expose the truth will not be thwarted, even if we have to rebuild this blog 1000 times.”

This blog will follow in the exact footsteps and in the same spirit as the former “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website. We believe it of the utmost importance that alternate views on the critics of Amma be shared with those searching for it. The efforts of this blog to expose the truth about Amma’s critics will not be thrwarted even if we have to rebuild this blog 1,000 times.

Just because the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website was deleted does not mean it will not be rebuilt “1000 times” (as threatened) through other internet venues.

UPDATE: June 27th 2009
- “COTHSEE” On The Attack Against This Blog

UPDATE: June 29th 2009
Predictably, the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website was rebuilt.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bronte Baxter - Critic Of Ammachi

Bronte Baxter - Critic Of Ammachi

Several critical articles written by Bronte Baxter were published on the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website against Mata Amritanandamayi.

Bronte Baxter gave a summary of herself as:
“Bronte Baxter practiced and taught Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Transcendental Meditation to hundreds of misled people for 17 years. Before that she was an idealistic hippie active in the back-to-the-land movement. She holds an M.A. in Eastern philosophy and religion, which doesn’t mean much to her but gives credence in some circles. Her favorite books are The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy and The Law and the Promise, by Neville, both primers on New Thought philosophy and how to practice The Law of Attraction.”

It should come as no surprise that beneath the seemingly eloquent and rational facade of Bronte Baxter’s critiques of Amma lurks an incredibly ridiculous conspiracy theory that can be traced to the conspiracy theorist David Icke (who believes in a secret society called the “Illuminati”, which is allegedly comprised of pedophilic, blood-sucking, shape-shifting, reptilian aliens from the Draco Constellation). Let us take a closer look at some of Bronte Baxter’s comments about Mata Amritanandamayi (Please note that Bronte Baxter gave the following permissions for her articles: “Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site at
Amma The Mother Saint Hugging Away Your Personhood
© by Bronte Baxter

I’ve seen an email from her former joint-secretary alleging she cooks the books, that the money she gathers for charity doesn’t go to the charities she claims. I’ve read accounts by her former monks of the unexplained wealth of Amma’s family, how her charity hospitals won’t take the very poor because the poor don’t have money enough for treatment. I’ve read about “suicides” and unexplained deaths of ashram devotees. So many dead bodies have appeared in the waters outside the ashram that The Indian Express, New Delhi’s daily newspaper, printed an account of local citizens demanding a police investigation into the matter.

I’ve read of organ selling and beatings. I saw a video of Amma performing a puja (worship ceremony) to a portrait of Sai Baba, the guru who gives penis massages to his favorite boy disciples. I read a letter from a former Amma monk alleging he was told by an Indian holy man not to share what he knows about Amma if he values his safety.

My earlier articles in the “Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment” series explain the real meaning of the kind of surrender that Amma and other Indian gurus promote among their followers. It is surrender of the personal self to the gods, whom Amma calls “the Lord.” Amma’s hugs, her relics, her blessed water and food, are ways of infusing her energy signature into the minds and bodies of those who visit her, be they devotees or unsuspecting guests. Not only her energy signature but, I submit, the energy signature of the astral entities who work through her, who call themselves gods, and who feed on the psyches of mankind.

Amma’s energy transfer helps devotees entrain with her vibration and meld their minds and souls with “the godhead.” In other words, it helps them become assimilated, or possessed by the same “cosmic” forces that possess and work through Amma. Gurus call such a change in consciousness “attaining enlightenment” or “liberation.” It’s a state of “ego death,” where one no longer functions as an independent individual but as a receptacle of “the Supreme Consciousness.” Translation: as a tentacle of the astral entities who live off human worship and suffering.

Bronte Baxter is unable cite any credible, reliable or legal references to support the claims she allegedly read in one email and from a couple of former Amma devotees.

Bronte Baxter referenced her claims about alleged “unexplained deaths” and “suicides” at Amma’s ashram to rationalist, skeptic and atheist websites. There is very little doubt that these same rationalist, skeptic and atheist websites would consider Bronte Baxter’s belief in the Illuminati, astral entities and David Icke to be the result of mental instability, brainwashing, superstition and a cult mentality.

Bronte Baxter’s reference to the alleged “dead bodies” that was protested by “local citizens” wasn’t protested by “local citizens”. It was protested by the rationalist, skeptic and atheist group Bharathiya Yukthivadi Sangham (who are well known for their ceaseless attacks against Amma, rationalist protests, theatrics and ceaseless accusations of “suspicious deaths” at other Guru’s ashrams as well).

Bronte Baxter’s comment about Sathya Sai Baba giving “penis massages to his favorite boy disciples” reveals her shabby research and conspiratorial mentality. Sathya Sai Baba has never (ever) had a single police complaint, court case or public grievance filed against him in India by anyone (child, parent, guardian or relative) for the alleged molestations of children. (See This Article). Once again, Bronte Baxter argues her case from conspiracy websites unsupported with credible, reliable or legal references or documentation.

Let us take a closer look at some revealing comments made by Bronte Baxter about her belief in the Illuminati, astral entities, thought transference, sylphs, nymphs, driads, fairies, the Global Elite and predatory entities:
‘Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic,’
© by Bronte Baxter

The assumption seems to be that if it happened in my head and was accompanied by euphoria and fireworks, it must be true, and proof of the nature of the universe. But if the Illuminati extend to realms between visual perception (and evidence indicates they do – see my article series, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment), the Illuminati could be the source of much of mankind’s mystical experience. It’s easy for beings in the Unseen, adept at thought transference, to implant ideas in the minds of willing seekers, generating chemical changes in their brains and bodies and making them feel like they’ve been kissed by God. This would be particularly easy if the seekers have imbibed hallucinogenic substances.

I believe that well-intentioned, semi-depressed people are being implanted with messages that God has sent them to save the world. The urgency this produces gives their lives a particular sense of meaning. The message they receive is either that there is a war on among the Powers of Light and Darkness, which they must help fight, or that seeing through the illusion called reality and uniting with Infinite Oneness is the end-all and be-all of human existence. Both messages hold enough truth that they appeal to those who receive them as genuine. Both are so flawed as to point the receiver in the wrong direction, toward beliefs that favor humanity handing the universe into the Illuminati’s conniving hands.

The Light and Dark War of Principalities is nothing more than the Good Cop – Bad Cop Game taken to celestial levels. Like the eternal war between the Democrats and Republicans, it is unreal – a smokescreen designed to hide where the real action happens. Lucifer and Jehovah are on the same side: control of humanity. The “gods” and “demons” of Indianism are on the same side. As long as mankind provides the loosh (life energy) to the nether worlds through worship or suffering, all in the Fourth Dimension are happy.

It doesn’t matter if you call for help from Satan or Jesus, Krishna or Kali, you’re aligning your soul with the gang of brigands who have hijacked our lives by controlling us at our most intimate level. This control is not a takeover, but rather, freely given. Worshipers of their own accord give their lives to management by these beings, whom they regard as divine. They think in so doing they fight on the right side in the battle of good against evil. But all they do in fact is supply the life force, the loosh, needed for humanity’s hijackers to continue feeding off our hearts and souls.

Those who surrender their flawed human egos to the Oneness are no different. They, too, give their souls to management by the Fourth Dimension’s united company of tricksters. This is the point so many in the Truth Movement miss. We think that by making Oneness consciousness our supreme goal we are becoming pure. We think by embracing The Doctrine of Oneness we acquire supreme wisdom.


When we turn our backs on our ego, on the individual will and personality that is the very spark of the Infinite within us, we set our souls on the freebie shelf of the universe, to be absorbed or manipulated by Fourth Dimension entities. Our acts no longer appear to be our own – they feel like the work of forces moving through us. That perception is correct. But those forces are not the winds of Infinity, as the possessed assume: those forces are the egos of the possessors, who cherish this surrender of human selfhood.

Agnihotra, Sylphs and Orgonite: Chem Trail Solutions or God-Scam?
© by Bronte Baxter

The Babylonian gods have been identified in the David Icke research as identical with the entities who interbred with mankind to produce the world’s royal bloodlines, the global elite, which are behind the plan for an Orwelllian New World Order. Truthers believe the chem trails are the handiwork of the global elite. How consistent is it to also believe that the force that generates chem trails is working on mankind’s behalf to destroy chem trails?


I’m sure nature devas exist, which are called by various names like sylphs, nymphs, driads, fairies, etc. I’m not at all sure they can be trusted. I’m also very skeptical of people looking at clouds that resemble a recognized shape and concluding those are sylphs. That sounds too New Agey woo-woo to me. But then, if I believe sylphs exist, who am I to assume they couldn’t take a cloud form?

Handling Our Fear
© by Bronte Baxter

R., I recommend you read David Icke’s book, “Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else I Illusion” and (after that) Neville’s “The Law and the Promise.”


When you get into fear, say to yourself, “I happily disconnect myself from all predatory entities, energies and influences.” That will help a lot in ridding yourself of any outside psychic influences that could be fueling your fear. Read my articles in the blog category “Psychic Predation and Protection” for more about this. There are negative beings on the astral level who look for opportunities to feed destructive thoughts into people’s minds, exacerbating their fear, anger, or whatever negative emotion they may have fallen into. Severing the connection by ordaining that they leave simply gets rid of them.

Information About David Icke

David Vaughan Icke (born April 29, 1952) is a British writer and public speaker who has devoted himself since 1990 to researching “who and what is really controlling the world.” A former professional football player, reporter, television sports presenter, and spokesman for the Green Party, he is the author of 20 books explaining his views.

Icke argues that he has developed a moral and political worldview that combines New Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of what he sees as totalitarian trends in the modern world, a position that has been described as “New Age conspiracism.”

At the heart of Icke’s theories is the view that the world is ruled by a secret group called the “Global Elite” or “Illuminati,” which he has linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic hoax. In 1999, he published The Biggest Secret, in which he wrote that the Illuminati are a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.

In 1991, after a trip to Peru, David Icke wrote Truth Vibrations, an autobiographical work which summarised his life experiences up to that point, with an emphasis on his recent spiritual encounters. He began to wear only turquoise and on 27 March 1991, held a press conference to announce: “I am a channel for the Christ spirit. The title was given to me very recently by the Godhead.”

In an interview on the Terry Wogan show that year, he announced that he was “the son of God,” and that Britain would be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. His statements were met with laughter and ridicule from the studio audience, derision in the press, and suggestions that he was mentally ill. Icke later said that he had been misinterpreted by the media. According to Icke, he used the term “the son of God” “in the sense of being an aspect, as I understood it at the time, of the Infinite consciousness that is everything. As I have written before, we are like droplets of water in an ocean of infinite consciousness.”

Icke’s core ideas are outlined in four books written over seven years: The Robots’ Rebellion (1994), … And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001). The basic conspiracy theory is that the world is controlled by a network of secret societies referred to as the “Brotherhood,” at the apex of which stand the “Illuminati” or “Global Elite.” The goal of the Brotherhood is a world government, a plan that Icke says was laid out in the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which Icke says are really the revealed plans of the Illuminati. Icke, in common with many other conspiracy theorists, says the methods of these conspirators include control of the world's economies and the use of mind-control techniques.

The Global Elite controls the Brotherhood and the world using what Icke calls a “pyramid of manipulation,” consisting of sets of hierarchical structures involving banking, business, the military, education, the media, religion, drug companies, intelligence agencies, and organised crime. At the very top of the pyramid are what Icke calls the “Prison Warders,” who are not human. He writes that: “A pyramidal structure of human beings has been created under the influence and design of the extraterrestrial Prison Warders and their overall master, the Luciferic Consciousness. They control the human clique at the top of the pyramid, which I have dubbed the Global Elite.”

In 1999, Icke wrote and published The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World, in which he identified the extraterrestrial prison warders as reptilians from the constellation Draco. They walk erect and appear to be human, living not only on the planets they come from, but also in caverns and tunnels under the earth. They have cross-bred with humans, which has created “hybrids” who are “possessed” by the full-blooded reptilians. The reptiles’ hybrid reptilian-human DNA allows them to change from reptilian to human form if they consume human blood. Icke has drawn parallels with the 1980s science-fiction series V, in which the earth is taken over by reptiloid aliens disguised as humans.

According to Icke, the reptilian group includes many prominent people and practically every world leader from Britain’s late Queen Mother to George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Harold Wilson, and Tony Blair. These people are either themselves reptilian, or work for the reptiles as what Icke calls slave-like victims of multiple personality disorder: “The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling political and economic families of the U.S. and the rest of the world come from these SAME bloodlines. It is not because of snobbery, it is to hold as best they can a genetic structure — the reptilian-mammalian DNA combination which allows them to ‘shape-shift’.”

In Tales From The Time Loop and other works, David Icke states that most organised religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are Illuminati creations designed to divide and conquer the human race through endless conflicts. In a similar vein, Icke believes racial and ethnic divisions are an illusion promoted by the reptilians, and that racism fuels the Illuminati agenda.

Icke has cited white supremacist, neo-Nazi and other far-right publications in his books. British journalist Simon Jones notes that the bibliography of … And the Truth Shall Set You Free lists The Spotlight, formerly published by the now-defunct Liberty Lobby, and which Icke calls “excellent”, and “On Target”, published by the Australian League of Rights, which has organised speaking tours for Holocaust denier David Irving. Jones writes: “It’s tempting to dismiss David Icke as a confused and ignorant man, manipulated by extremists in order to present their philosophy in a socially acceptable format. But Icke clearly understands the implications of his words.” (Wikipedia Reference)

Turning The Tables On Bronte Baxter & David Icke

Although the authors of this blog do not in any way believe the conspiracy theories of David Icke or Bronte Baxter, we will put forth our own conspiracy theory using the very same logic and arguments used by Illuminati conspiracists.

Turning the tables, it is entirely possible that David Icke and Bronte Baxter are being possessed, influenced and utilized by the “Illuminati” and “Global Elite” to induce a wave of fear, dread, paranoia, doubt, distrust, suspicion, judgmentalism and negative emotions in the greater population through their writings.

If these multi-dimensional entities are as powerful as Icke and Baxter allege (existing for millennia, fully conversant with human behavior and beliefs and possessing the incredible ability to shape-shift from reptilian to human by sucking blood from babies), they could have easily disposed of any critic as soon as he/she emerged as an antagonist to their agenda.

It would appear that the conspiracists have overlooked the simple fact that by allowing David Icke and his followers to disseminate their conspiracy theories about the “Illuminati” and “Global Elite”, these ancient and highly advanced entities could feed off the resulting energies of fear, dread, paranoia, doubt, distrust, suspicion, judgmentalism and the tidal wave of negative emotions that arise when numerous individuals contemplate the possibility that the entire human race is being controlled, influenced and manipulated by reptilian shape-shifters who seek global domination and who are capable of possessing or tapping the energies of anyone who simply thinks about them!

Conspiracies do not evoke the sublime. Conspiracies do not evoke peace, love or goodness. Conspiracists are notorious for their frenzied, defensive and obsessive personalities. Conspiracies (especially the Illuminati conspiracy) evokes fear, dread, paranoia, doubt, distrust, suspicion, judgmentalism and other negative emotions. Ironically, these intense and negative emotions are exactly the types of energies that Fourth Dimension entities allegedly thrive on. Therefore, it can be argued that conspiracists such as Icke and Baxter are actually active channels for Fourth Dimension entities who seek to siphon and harness the negative energies generated by their writings.

No matter how positive or empowering David Icke or Bronte Baxter attempt to portray themselves, they are actually feeding a frenzy, stoking fires, engendering doubt, engendering distrust and instilling fear, paranoia and anxiety in those gullible enough to believe that they may be targeted by shape-shifting entities attempting to siphon their energies, possess them, control them and drink the blood from their babies. Since these entities were allegedly capable of causing the Holocaust, World Wars, Divisive World Religions, etc., surely these ancient and highly advanced entities (existing for millennia, fully conversant with human behavior and beliefs and possessing the incredible ability to shape-shift from reptilian to human by sucking blood from babies) cannot be so easily duped by positive affirmations and “creating your own realty” mind-programming techniques (as Bronte Baxter alleges).

Indeed, if such an ancient and highly advanced group of entities were to exist, they would have already infiltrated our hospitals (where they could extract baby blood for their nefarious agendas without easy detection). If these entities possess the ability to shape-shift and feed off of our devotion and emotions, who is to say they are not in our homes already? Why limit them to human shape-shifting? Perhaps these entities feed off the blood of puppies and kittens and shape-shift into dogs and cats so that they can receive our constant devotion, love, care and attention? If these entities feed off of fear, brutality and suffering, surely they have already infiltrated our meat industry where animals are subjected to untold sufferings. The sufferings that these animals endure could be used as “energy imprints” that are absorbed when the meat is eaten by humans. The Illuminati could have already infiltrated our pharmacies, pharmaceuticals, psychiatric institutions, medical training facilities and hospitals and could have already tampered with our medications, vitamins and food & water supplies. If these ancient and advanced entities exist (possessing the technology to travel from the Draco Constellation to Earth), they would have already infiltrated our computers, televisions, cell phones, radios and all other electronics and could easily influence the masses with subliminal and subauditory messages.

Is it possible that Spiritual Luminaries like Amma are actually generating the positive energies required to battle the Fourth Dimension entities? If this were true, Spiritual Luminaries like Amma would pose a direct threat to Fourth Dimension entities. There is little doubt that these Fourth Dimension entities would actively seek to influence conspiracists to disseminate doubts and distrust against Spiritual Luminaries. Not only would these Spiritual Luminaries be undermined, the Fourth Dimension entities could feed off the resulting mire of negative energies generated by their influenced smear campaigns. This might also explain why Guru-Bashers seem “possessed” and obsessed with anger, hate, negativity and criticism. Now there’s a thought!

Bronte Baxter said the following about Amritananda Mayi Ma:
Amma The Mother Saint Hugging Away Your Personhood
In Seattle a couple of months ago Amma predicted a nuclear war and that no child younger than 5 will live to adulthood after the year 2012. After spreading fear and despair through such prophecies, she then announced that only meditation and self-effacing acts of charity can possibly mitigate this sentence for humanity.

In truth, Amma never made such a prediction and many people who were at the Seattle retreat were shocked when they heard this rumor. As a matter of fact, Dayalu said:
Om Namah Shivayah,

I was at the Seattle retreat and Amma never said what was printed. I have frequently answered the phone at the M.A. Center and have had devotees saying they heard that Amma said all sorts of bizarre things that She never said. A good litmus test is to only repeat what you think Amma may have said only after you have heard it directly from Amma's mouth to Swamiji's mouth to your ears and you are positive what Swamiji said.

Aum Namah Shivayah,


What was the exact purpose of Bronte Baxter’s complete disinformation about Amma?

  • A: Was Bronte Baxter’s intent to induce fear, anxiety and shock so that Fourth Dimension entities could feed?

  • B: Bronte Baxter is a rumor monger.

  • C: Both A & B.

You decide.

It is a fact that Bronte Baxter believes in God. However, Bronte Baxter is unable to tell us how she identifies her God. Bronte Baxter is also unable to reconcile the contradiction that by believing in God, she is aligning her energies with a Spirit or Intelligence that after all may be a Fourth Dimension entity possessing her and using her as a vehicle by sowing the seeds of distrust, fear and doubt under the pretext of positive self-empowerment.

As a matter of fact, Bronte Baxter wrote the following “Empowerment Prayer” (Reference):
Infinite Love my God,

Reveal Yourself to me.

Teach me all the secrets

Of the universe.

Fill my mind with truth,

My spirit with goodness,

My soul with gladness,

And my heart with love.

Perfect my body,

Fill my treasury,

And empower my life.

Dissolve ignorance

And iniquity in all Your children.

Actualize Your original

Joyous, divine intention

Throughout creation


Now, let us recall Bronte Baxter’s past words:
“It doesn’t matter if you call for help from Satan or Jesus, Krishna or Kali, you’re aligning your soul with the gang of brigands who have hijacked our lives by controlling us at our most intimate level. This control is not a takeover, but rather, freely given. Worshipers of their own accord give their lives to management by these beings, whom they regard as divine. They think in so doing they fight on the right side in the battle of good against evil. But all they do in fact is supply the life force, the loosh, needed for humanity’s hijackers to continue feeding off our hearts and souls.”

“Lucifer and Jehovah are on the same side: control of humanity. The ‘gods’ and ‘demons’ of Indianism are on the same side. As long as mankind provides the loosh (life energy) to the nether worlds through worship or suffering, all in the Fourth Dimension are happy.”

When Bronte Baxter talks about God and devotion to God, which “brigand” among the Fourth Dimension is she referring to, opening herself up to and aligning her energies with?

“Cult Of The Hugging Saint”: Final Thoughts

The “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website is so desperate to smear Amma, they apparently need to reference Bronte Baxter, a conspiracist who promotes and believes in David Icke, sylphs, nymphs, driads, fairies, astral entities, Fourth Dimension entities, predatory entities, possession, global conspiracies, blood-sucking reptilian shape-shifters, etc. This is the type of person that the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website cited as a credible voice against Amma! Why does the “Cult Of The Hugging Saint” website criticize Ammachi yet purposely withholds relevant information about her critics?